


Find out Mindomo’s latest features!

Did you know that you can now add hashtags to your mind map and use them as filtering instruments? Add hashtags to your topics to easily label them, and the next time you type #, you will see an autocomplete list. Continue typing if you want to insert a new hashtag or click on an existing one to add it to your topic. Hit ENTER or click outside the topic to activate the hashtag functionality.…

We are back with a series of upgrades to our tool, one of which is reorganizing our Multimedia panel from the left toolbar. Our existing Multimedia panel has been split into three specialized panels: one for images, one for videos and one for audio files. Use them to quickly add multimedia resources to your topics, without the hassle of navigating through a complex menu. The new design even comes with a bonus: you can now…

For quite some time now, we’ve been working extensively to improve our online and Desktop versions. You might have read about or tested some of the features, but here’s a full recap of what to try, from the most recent functionality up to the earliest: Microsoft Teams integration Available online. Create and collaborate on mind maps, concept maps, task mind maps, Gantt charts, and outlines directly from your Microsoft Teams account. Advanced formatting features Variety…

For quite some time now, we received multiple requests from you regarding our search functionality. So, we’ve put ourselves to work and made some major improvements, try the new Search from the upper right side of your Dashboard. What’s new? 1. The search goes through all mind maps, both private and public, and their content. For example, you want to access a map where you put down this week’s to-do list but you can’t remember…

We recently updated our Microsoft Word (DOCX) export. Please see below how it works. 1. The central topic becomes the title of the exported document and will appear at the top with a bigger font size. Your main topics and subtopics will be listed in a headings hierarchy up until the 4th level. After the 4th level, all the subtopics will be listed as normal text with indentation. Notes are exported exactly as they are…